Girls Like Us


Girls Like Us

Refuse to do nothing by Kim 'McOwen' YimBreakfast of Encouragement
When: Thursday, October 12, 9-11:30am
Where: Home of Scott and Carolyn McOwen
Address: 401 Avenida Teresa, San Clemente, CA 92672
We are continuing to educate ourselves about international and domestic poverty issues. We look forward to hearing from Deborah Plotkin, founder and executive director of U-TOUCH ( We will learn about her work in Uganda. U-TOUCH transforms lives by bridging the Global Digital Divide.



Our hope

is to gather ‘girls like us’ who have a
compelling sense of mission

We know that friends for the journey
are friends who understand the journey

That is why we are inviting YOU!

Let us know if you can come!

Anastasia Hansel
Kim McOwen Yim
Joanne Johnson